Frequently asked questions
Can Uvinneco be mounted on any faucet?
UVINNECO can be installed on M22 and M24 batteries, which are the most common battery sizes.
Does the product also have filter inserts that need to be regularly replaced?
The product does not require water filters or cartridges. However we recommend to replace the Kinetic Reactor annually.
What is the product warranty or expiration date?
The product warranty is 2 years, and the Kinetic Reactor attachment must be replaced every year for proper functioning.
Will Uvinneco kill all bacteria and viruses in water?
Uvinneco kills up to 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. No product can guarantee 100% destruction of viruses and bacteria. UVINNECO significantly reduces the risk of infections originating from drinking water.
How is Uvinneco installed?
Very easily, like any classic faucet end. In addition to the product, the package also includes assembly instructions.
How many liters of water can Uvinneco clean?
Uvinneco consists of two technologies, from which UVC sterilization cleans approximately 90,000 liters of water. The Kinetic Reactor can withstand approximately 45,000 liters of water.
Do I need a battery or a charger to provide an electric energy to the product?
No. Uvinneco has a built-in micro-turbine, which itself produces electricity for the needs of the UVC diod.
Can the product be installed on faucets with a circulation water heater that is located in the kitchen under the sink?
The product is not suitable for installation on taps that are connected to a circulation water heater. It can be installed on taps that have their own heater and on flow-through sanitary water heaters that are heated by gas.